The Chosen 92%

The Chosen

2017 | USA | Drama, Historical
Outdoor Films 7 episodes

Outdoor Films

Vyvolení (The Chosen) 3 episodes

Vyvolení (The Chosen)

Pod lampou 17 episodes

Pod lampou

Talk Show


Muzikanti hrajte 33 episodes

Muzikanti hrajte

Folk & Traditional
Animované příběhy velikánů dějin 12 episodes

Animované příběhy velikánů dějin

Grotesky Harolda Lloyda

Grotesky Harolda Lloyda

Strýček Emu 49 episodes

Strýček Emu

Duchovní krajina Novohradských hor 19 episodes

Duchovní krajina Novohradských hor

Natural World
Můj chrám 45 episodes

Můj chrám

Historie a současnost Matice svatohostýnské 3 episodes

Historie a současnost Matice svatohostýnské

Flešbeky - Godzone podcast 16 episodes

Flešbeky - Godzone podcast

Továrna mezi vodami 4 episodes

Továrna mezi vodami

Jan Bula - Mučednická smrt a proces blahořečení 5 episodes

Jan Bula - Mučednická smrt a proces blahořečení

Absolventi: Július Michnik 3 episodes

Absolventi: Július Michnik

Hadi České republiky 2 episodes

Hadi České republiky

Natural World
Soláň ve vyprávění Jaroslava Halašty 3 episodes

Soláň ve vyprávění Jaroslava Halašty

Natural World
Grófská obec Gbeľany 3 episodes

Grófská obec Gbeľany

Přejeme si... 35 episodes

Přejeme si...

Rozumíme médiím 8 episodes

Rozumíme médiím

Všem národům

Všem národům

Bratr oheň: Ve jménu Ježíše 2 episodes

Bratr oheň: Ve jménu Ježíše

Luboš Malina & Kateřina García na Folkových prázdninách

Luboš Malina & Kateřina García na Folkových prázdninách

Folk & Traditional


Druhá šance z nebe

Druhá šance z nebe

Síť svobody

Síť svobody

Povolání - Sestra Olga

Povolání - Sestra Olga



Jak roste chléb

Jak roste chléb

Slezská Lilie 2015

Slezská Lilie 2015

Classical Music
Thajsko: země hadů

Thajsko: země hadů

Natural World
Expedice Mingitau

Expedice Mingitau

Regina Coeli 2 episodes

Regina Coeli

II. vatikánský koncil a architektura

II. vatikánský koncil a architektura

Valaské pěsničky a tance 2 episodes

Valaské pěsničky a tance

Folk & Traditional
Vesnice z kartonů

Vesnice z kartonů

Dřevěné návštěvy: Silvia Belis

Dřevěné návštěvy: Silvia Belis

Plastový oceán

Plastový oceán

Natural World, Environment
Pocket - Los Angeles

Pocket - Los Angeles

Music & Arts
Outdoor Films s Josefem Bosákem

Outdoor Films s Josefem Bosákem

Stíny nad Libavou

Stíny nad Libavou

Tara Fuki v Parníku 2 episodes

Tara Fuki v Parníku

Classical Music
Honduras – Předtím, než odejdou

Honduras – Předtím, než odejdou

Animované biblické příběhy: Ježíšovy zázraky 2 episodes

Animované biblické příběhy: Ježíšovy zázraky

Více než píseň

Více než píseň

Music & Arts
Varhany pro svatou Zdislavu

Varhany pro svatou Zdislavu

Příběh o Žofii

Příběh o Žofii

Stvořil Bůh ratolest 2 episodes

Stvořil Bůh ratolest

Lubor Patsch, muzikant s kamerou

Lubor Patsch, muzikant s kamerou

Famous People
Dolní Ročov

Dolní Ročov

Radek Baborák & Orquestrina na Crossroads 2021

Radek Baborák & Orquestrina na Crossroads 2021

Classical Music
Dřevěné návštěvy: Václav Větvička

Dřevěné návštěvy: Václav Větvička

Bratr oheň: Kázání ptákům

Bratr oheň: Kázání ptákům

Byl člověk poslaný Bohem, jeho jméno bylo Jan

Byl člověk poslaný Bohem, jeho jméno bylo Jan

Outdoor Films s Pavlem Klegou

Outdoor Films s Pavlem Klegou

Výběr z vystoupení kapel na Mohelnickém dostavníku 2019

Výběr z vystoupení kapel na Mohelnickém dostavníku 2019

Folk & Traditional
Animované biblické příběhy: Milosrdný Samaritán

Animované biblické příběhy: Milosrdný Samaritán

K jádru věci

K jádru věci

Current Affairs
Symfonický koncert 2.část

Symfonický koncert 2.část

Classical Music
Náš Valášek z Horní Lidče

Náš Valášek z Horní Lidče

Folk & Traditional
Putování modrou planetou

Putování modrou planetou

Travel, Natural World
Se sládkem

Se sládkem

Pěšák Boží

Pěšák Boží

Iva Bittová & Clarinet Factory & Hamid Drake

Iva Bittová & Clarinet Factory & Hamid Drake

Folk & Traditional
Mše svatá z kaple Panny Marie, Hvězdy evangelizace

Mše svatá z kaple Panny Marie, Hvězdy evangelizace

Ta brněnská mája tenká

Ta brněnská mája tenká

Folk & Traditional
Hlubinami vesmíru s dr. Martinem Jelínkem, gama astronomie

Hlubinami vesmíru s dr. Martinem Jelínkem, gama astronomie

Dřevěné návštěvy: Alena Bílková

Dřevěné návštěvy: Alena Bílková

Bratr oheň: Klářina volba

Bratr oheň: Klářina volba

Svatý Benedikt z Nursie

Svatý Benedikt z Nursie

Galakoncert Evy Urbanové

Galakoncert Evy Urbanové

Classical Music
Noe slaví 18. narozeniny

Noe slaví 18. narozeniny

Bratři Orffové na Crossroads 2021

Bratři Orffové na Crossroads 2021

Maribor - Kostel světla

Maribor - Kostel světla

Hadí pohotovost

Hadí pohotovost

Natural World
Animované biblické příběhy: Spravedlivý soudce

Animované biblické příběhy: Spravedlivý soudce

Mše svatá s žehnáním kaple

Mše svatá s žehnáním kaple

Přerov a jeho válka

Přerov a jeho válka

Sakartvelo: Země pod Kavkazem

Sakartvelo: Země pod Kavkazem

Putování do Lurd s Luckou a Bárou

Putování do Lurd s Luckou a Bárou

Dopis z Indie

Dopis z Indie

Kdo chce kam ...

Kdo chce kam ...

Cvrlikání SPECIÁL

Cvrlikání SPECIÁL

Folk & Traditional
Kopeček plný oveček

Kopeček plný oveček

Outdoor Films s Annou Hanuš Kuchařovou

Outdoor Films s Annou Hanuš Kuchařovou

Noemova Archa

Noemova Archa

Benefiční koncert Lepší oči pro Noe

Benefiční koncert Lepší oči pro Noe

Visoko som viskočel

Visoko som viskočel

Folk & Traditional
Stopy apoštola Pavla v srdci Evropy

Stopy apoštola Pavla v srdci Evropy

Via Caritas

Via Caritas

Famous People
Bratr oheň: Bohatý a chudý

Bratr oheň: Bohatý a chudý

Dospívání ve zpívání

Dospívání ve zpívání

Škola tmou

Škola tmou

Outdoor Films s Vítem Kanyzou

Outdoor Films s Vítem Kanyzou

What makes Lepšia.TV better
135 channels at a great price
Only with goNet.TV you will get 135 TV stations for the best price. Premium movie, documentary, sports or children's TV stations.
100 days zpetne_zhlednuti
Longest catch-up
Unparalleled retrospective watching. Catch up with your series and favorite channels for up to 100 days since their release.
No obligations
You can decide whether to continue or cancel your subscription anytime.
Anywhere in EU
Not only can you watch Lepšia.TV in the Czech Republic, but also while traveling within the EU, Iceland, and Norway.
Unlimited recording
It is up to you how many movies, series or broadcasts you record
High quality of streaming
Lepšia.TV brings you 115 HD programs in its basic package. You can adjust the resolution quality according to your needs
Immense library, no surcharge
2 135 new movies each month, along with thousands of TV series, documentaries, animated movies, and sports content. In short, there's something for everyone
Lowest data demand
Streaming only requires a very low 1,2 MB/s data flow
For every device
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Choose the right package for you

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Just after activation, LEPŠIA.TV will start to work Complete the payment and watch Lepšia.TV right away!

Try one month for 0.10 € No commitment Cancel or change your service anytime On TV, computer or smartphone
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The offer 10 days for 0.10 € is valid only for payment by card or Google Pay. The offer 10 days for 0.10 € is valid only for payment by card or Google Pay. The offer 10 days for 0.10 € is valid only for payment by card or Google Pay. The Lepšia.TV service is activated immediately after payment.
I agree with conditions, contract, personal data protection and with automatic card payments which I can cancel anytime. I am 18 years or older and my permanent residence is in the Czech Republic.

The signal of Lepšia.TV must not be shared nor produced in public.
GLS parcel delivery to hand GLS parcel delivery to hand Delivery by the courier between 8 and 17 o'clock. 5.59 € 5.59 € 5.59 € 5.59 €
Česká pošta parcel delivery to hand Česká pošta parcel delivery to hand Delivery by the courier between 8 and 17 o'clock. 5.59 € 5.59 € 5.59 € 5.59 €
Česká pošta parcel delivery to post office Česká pošta parcel delivery to post office Delivery to local post office. 5.59 € 5.59 € 5.59 € 5.59 €
Packet home delivery Packet home delivery Packet will be delivered by the courier to your home. 5.59 €
Packet delivery to pick-up point Packet delivery to pick-up point Delivery to nearest pick-up location 3.99 €
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LEPŠIA.TV service including HBO package will be activated immediately after payment. The Lepšia.TV service will be activated immediate after we receive your payment. You will be informed about the activation via e-mail.
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Still hesitating? Let's recap what you can get
The biggest number of TV channels
Only with goNet.TV you can watch online up to 135 stations up to 100 days back and record them unlimitedly in HD at an unbeatable price.
Arena sport 1
Nova International
Nova Sport 1
Nova Sport 2
Travel Discovery
Foof Eurosport 2 Eurosport 1 Discovery Animal Planet FilmBOX LEO TV EroXXX Arena sport CS Film CS History Lala Love Nature Nick JR Paramount Top Kids Travel XP
Movie library included
Only with Lepšia.TV, you can watch over 15,000 different movies, thousands of TV series, documentaries, and animated movies throughout the year. In such a vast video library, you will always easily find an interesting program just for you.
Works everywhere without any buffering
On your TV, computer, mobile or tablet, thanks to our modern H.265 codec, you only need an internet connection of 3Mb/s to enjoy your favorite shows without bufering anywhere in the EU.
notebook-tablet box
It can be your for 0.10 €
Discover a way of watching TV that you won't be changing. With goNet.TV you will experience freedom like never before. Try for 10 days for 0.10 € 135 stations, up to 100 days back , huge video library with more than 2 135 movies and functions, you wished to have sooner. After only 4.99 € a month and of course unbound.
The biggest number of TV channels for the best price You pay only 8.99 € per month for 135 TV channels with documentaries, sports and kids programs.
The first month only for 0.10 € New customers will be very pleased that Lepšia.TV, including HBO, can be tested in the first month for only 1CZK.
The longest playback period The longest playback period on the market is waiting for you - up to 100 days back.
Everything without obligations. Our service comes without obligations. You can decide for yourself if you want to continue using the service or not.
Low data flow There is only a low data rate of 3 Mb/ s necessary to stream. You do not need the fastest internet connection.
Unlimited recording It is up to you how many movies, series, and shows you record. We offer an unlimited quantity.
HDHD broadcasting Enjoy live broadcasting in HD quality. Lepšia.TV brings you 115 HD programms in the basic offer.
Video library Visit our TV archive and choose from thousands of movies, series, documentaries, fairy tales, and sports online.
20 000 radio stations Listen to radios from all around the world. Choose according to your favorite music genre, language, or country.
For each device Watch TV at home and on the go. Thanks to a number of applications for smart devices, you can watch TV on your mobile phone, computer, or Smart TV of all brands. If you prefer a classic TV, then simply connect the Android set-top box from Lepšia.TV and have fun.
For all connections IPTV works on every internet connection from Czech and Slovak providers. You can watch Lepšia.TV through your Wi-Fi, using an Ethernet cable, or via a mobile connection.
Lower data volume Thanks to the use of modern H.265 coding, we can provide you with high-quality broadcasting without flooding your Internet connection.
Hidden subtitles Lepšia.TV supports subtitles.
HTracking history View a list of your most recently watched shows and simply look at the ones you have not watched to the end.
Similar shows In the detail section of the show, we will immediately show you similar shows that you might like.
Trailer and evaluation Watch the trailers and evaluation of the program to choose easily.
Weather forecast Sunny, cloudy or rain? Keep track of the weather in your city.
Calendar holidays Do you forget the name days of your loved ones? With Lepšia.TV you have them in front of your eyes every day!
Kids profile Protect your child from the bad influence of television and restrict the options to specific types of programs (such as fairy tales) and permitted stations.
Viewer profiles If many people (father, son, mother ...) are watching TV on your account, you can create profiles for them. Hence everyone will see only their own recordings, history, and set up stations ...
Full series Thanks to intelligent recording, you can comfortably watch entire series.
It also works in other countries If you are going on holiday in the European Union, Lepšia.TV will also work there.
ZOOM If some shows have black bars at the top and bottom, just click on the settings and select the "ZOOM" function. The movie or series then expands to full screen and you can start watching undisturbed.
Prima station without ads LEPŠIA.TV, as one of the few providers of Internet TV, automatically plays shortened advertising blocks on Prima channels, when the viewer watches programs from the record. Moreover, it enables to skip ads completely on Prima channels for 59 CZK a month.
Show all advantages
What might interest you
How does it work and what do I need?
Lepšia.TV is a modern online streaming platform and you can watch it on you television, Smart TV, laptop, mobile phone or tablet. The only thing you need is an Internet connection with a minimal data flow speed of 3Mb/s. Discover all suitable devices here.

You can watch Lepšia.TV anywhere in Czechia, Slovakia, or in the rest of the EU where you can get a sufficient Internet connection.
Do you offer internet connection services?
Unfortunately, we do not offer internet connection services. However, Lepšia.TV works perfectly on any providers' internet connection.
Where can I find more information on this?
Choosing an online TV service which matches your needs is not an easy task. That is why we have prepared a multitude of questions and answers to guide your decision-making. Just click here.
Do I need to sign a contract?
You do not. If Lepšia.TV does not suit your needs, you can cancel it anytime. There are no obligations to subscribing.
How much is it?
You can find the current price list for our services here.
How do I order Lepšia.TV?
You can order the service here. And do not forget - no liabilities.
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